A layer or film of foreign
as fat, oil, and grease (FOG)—that has
risen to the surface of water or
The Scum Remover has opposing screws which float on the water surface drawing scum into a central funnel, a submersible pump then pumps scum out of the system to a designated disposal route. With the right disposal route Scum can be removed entirely from the process to avoid re-seeding.
1. Circu lar settlement ta nk
2. Rectangular settlement tanks
3. Channels
4. Aeration pockets and lanes
3. Oxidatior ditches, carousel and annulus tanks
1. Removal of floating scum is essential
to reduce organic load and scum build-
up for the subsequent treatment
2. Floating scum is one of the factors
that is responsible for process
performance. Timely removal of
floating scum helps ensure optimum
plant performance.
3. scum is viewed as aesthetically
unstable in water treatment, ar scum
adds load to filter paper which . nortens
the useful life of the filter paper.
4. Eliminates odorous scum
5. Reduces Suspended Solids (SS) in
final effluent
6. Reduces aeration costs
7. Reduces health and safety risks
1. PP Float Pump
2. Structures made of SS304
1. Submersible non-clog pump with
floats remove scum with minimal
amount of water efficiently at any
water/oil level.
2. Float system can manage varying
water levels.
3. Special reflow tube design keeps
pump steady, while operation.
4. Funnel isidesidned to drain out
water, air, and scum at the same time.
5. Funnel can be adjusted based on the
water/oil level.
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